Academic Advising
Course catalogs, selection sheets, pacing, sequencing, process guides, and more
General Academic Advising Resources
Overview of Middle School Curriculum
Each student at Stone Middle School will take seven classes each semester. Five of the seven periods are filled with courses that are required for all students: English, math, social studies, science, and physical education. The remaining two periods are filled with a combination of yearlong and/or semester courses from the following departments: visual or performing arts, business and information technology, family and consumer science, world languages, leadership, and engineering.
To supplement the regular education curriculum, several courses are offered to give students additional support in developing English and math skills necessary for success at the high school level. Stone Middle School also provides ESOL and SPED classes to support students’ academic needs.
For more detailed information on courses offered at Stone Middle School, view the course catalog and the information below.
Timeline of Academic Advising
Date | Activity | Student Group |
December 17, 2024 | 6th Grade Students Visit Stone for Academic Advising Overview (9:30 - 10:30 a.m.) | Rising 7th |
January 8, 2025 | Westfield High School Curriculum Night | Rising 9th |
January 9 | Westfield High School Counseling Presentations through HPE8 | Rising 9th |
January 13 - February 7 | 1:1 Academic Advising for R9 students with School Counselors through Social Studies | Rising 9th |
February 28 | Rising 9 Course Sheets due to Westfield High School (verifications to families by May 31) | Rising 9th |
February 5 *Snow Date February 11 | Stone Middle School Curriculum Night | Rising 7 and 8 |
February 6 | Elementary Visit to Stone (Student Tour and Panel) | Rising 7 |
February 10 - 14 | Stone Counselors Visit Feeder Elementary Schools | Rising 7 |
February 21 | Academic Advising Presentation for R8 student in Panther Block | Rising 8 |
February 24 - March 14 | 1:1 Academic Advising for R8 students with School Counselors through HPE Classes | Rising 8 |
March 7 | Rising 7 Course Selection Forms Due | Rising 7 |
March 14 | Rising 8 Course Selection Forms Due | Rising 8 |
Course Booklet
7th and 8th grade course booklet - 25.26 Course Book (1).pdf
Curriculum Night Information
Electives Video
Check out some of our Elective offerings at Stone in this video.
ESOL Program
The mission of ESOL services is to prepare students to be college and career ready by developing students’ academic English language proficiency through integrated content-based language instruction. ESOL services foster academic achievement, critical thinking and problem solving through engaging curricula, professional development and advocacy for English learners.
Learn more here.
Special Education Program
Taking Honors Classes

AAP-FCPS AAP Honors Flyer-Spanish.pdf
Video Overview of the AAP Program in FCPS and Stone MS.
FCPS honors courses, available to middle and high school students, are based on extensions of the FCPS Program of Studies. Students may self-select one or more honors courses in areas that match their academic interests or strengths. Extensions based on the Parallel Curriculum Model add depth and complexity to student learning experiences. To learn more about the parallel curriculum model, please reference Carol Ann Tomlinson’s The Parallel Curriculum: A Design to Develop Learner Potential and Challenge Advanced Learners (2009). Students in honors courses frequently use abstract, critical thinking approaches through inquiry-based projects to extend and deepen understanding of the content. Honors courses prepare students for future success in the next step of their academic journey.
In middle school mathematics, an honors course accelerates the student to the next grade level. To learn more about specific honors courses, check the individual course descriptions in our FCPS course catalog.
Mathematics Honor Classes
Mathematics 7 Honors is open enrollment for all students. This course is an acceleration of mathematics curriculum which requires students to master the content assessed on the Mathematics 8 SOL assessment. Students who have not completed Advanced Mathematics 6 may need support and/or require additional effort and study to be successful. Both Mathematics 7 and Mathematics 7 Honors prepare students for Algebra 1 or Algebra 1 Honors in Grade 8.
Algebra I Honors is open enrollment for all 8th grade students; however, there are specific requirements for enrollment in Algebra I Honors in 7th grade:
- Successful completion of the Advanced Mathematics Grade 6 curriculum or a year-long accelerated mathematics program
- Score at or above the 91st percentile on the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT)
- Score a pass advanced (500 or above) on the grade 7 mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) test
How to Register for Courses
This document will guide students through the process of selecting Course Requests online in StudentVue. This process is only for all middle and high schools.
PDF version of 7th & 8th course catalogs
General Academic Advising Information for all Stone students
FCPS Graduation Requirements
Rising 7th Grade
One Stop Shop for Academic Advising R7 (Printable)
Academic Advising Presentation (R7)
- This lesson was presented to students by the Stone Middle School counselors at the elementary schools.
Online Course Catalog (Rising 7th)
See the course offerings for rising 7th graders for the 2025-26 school year.
Translating the Course Catalogs (MS, HS)
Please note that using Chrome, you are able to translate the course catalog.
Course Selection Sheet (Rising 7th)
Below the course sheet students will use to select courses for the 2025-26 school year.
Student Survival Tips for the Transition to Middle School
Middle school is a great opportunity to meet new people and begin to explore who you are and what you want to do with the rest of your life. It can also be a difficult time, as there are a lot of things that are changing in your life. You are meeting new people. There are more choices and decisions to make. Instead of being in one classroomwith one teacher all day, you now have multiple teachers. You no longer stay in one classroom; instead, you have to switch classes for different subjects. You will be faced with more responsibilities.
Here are a few tips to help you with the middle school transition. Don’t be afraid to ask your teachers, counselors, or staff at your school if you need help.
Elementary Feeder School Visit

Transition Information Flyer
Information on 7th Grade Math at Stone MS
Greetings Parents and Guardians of Future Stone Panthers,
In alignment with the Fairfax County Public School’s Strategic Plan 2023-30, Stone has a commitment to making sure all students have access to higher level math. As part of this mission, Stone ensures all students have the opportunity to take Algebra 1 as an 8th grader. Taking Algebra 1 in 8th grade offers several advantages such as allowing students to start their high school transcript, complete one of their high school SOL tests and receive a verified credit needed for graduation, as well as open access to future elective and math opportunities in high school. More information about Why Eighth Grade Algebra Matters can be found here.
There are two math options students can take as 7th graders: Math 7 and Math 7 Honors. Both of these courses cover Pre-Algebra topics and prepare students to take Algebra in 8th grade. Math 7 Honors covers most of the same topics as Math 7, but also includes extra topics. This allows students to take the Pre-Algebra (Math 8) SOL test at the end of the year, which can help students feel more prepared to take Algebra 1 as an 8th grader. Any student is allowed to sign up for Math 7 Honors, regardless of the math class they took in 6th grade.
Student success in Math 7 Honors is not dependent on how well they did in math in elementary school. Rather, students with good critical thinking skills usually do well in Math 7 Honors.
Advantages of Math 7 | Advantages of Math 7 Honors |
Support is available for both courses during the school day, via electronic communication, and after school.
Stone has found that SOL scores can be a good indicator of success in Math 7 Honors. If your child scores around a 440 or higher on the Math 6 SOL, it is likely they will be placed into Math 7 Honors.
We look forward to working together to see that your child is successful in 7th grade math and beyond.
Stone’s Math 7 Team
Panther Leadership
Rising 8th Grade
One Stop Shop for Academic Advising R8 (Printable)
Academic Advising Presentation (R8)
This lesson was presented to rising 8th grade students by the Stone Middle School counselors through their Panther Block.
Online Course Catalog (Rising 8th)
See the course offerings for rising 8th graders for the 2025-26 school year.
Translating the Course Catalogs (MS, HS)
Please note that using Chrome, you are able to translate the course catalog.
Course Selection Sheet (Rising 8th)
Below is the course sheet students will use to select courses for the 2025-26 school year.
Rising 9th Grade
Message from WHS Director of Student Services
Welcome to Westfield High School! Academic advising season is the time in which students and families begin learning about course offerings for the 2025-2026 school year, and meet with school counselors about academic advising.
In January, Westfield will have opportunities for you and your student(s) to learn more about Westfield and the transition to high school! Staffing for the next school year is based on the courses requested during academic advising, and, therefore, it is important to engage in these opportunities before making final course requests, which are due March 1st.
Curriculum Night
We cordially invite you and your student(s) to our Curriculum Night which will be held on Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30 PM-8:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to learn about the courses offered at Westfield in order to assist your student(s) with course selections. Interpretation (Spanish) will be available for some of our sessions that evening. More information will be provided as we return from Winter Break.
Session topics include:
- Rising 9th Grade Transition Presentation
- Special Ed. Program Overview
- ESOL Program Overview
- Advanced Academics : Opportunities for All
- Dual Enrollment Program Overview
Academic Advising Presentations at Rocky Run MS, Carson MS and Stone MS
During the week of January 6-10, Westfield school counselors will be visiting all feeder middle schools to give presentations to our rising 9th grade students. This will be an opportunity for students to learn more about high school and what to expect when it comes to course selections and transitioning to 9th grade. The schedule below details the day and time in which Westfield school counselors will be attending each school.
- Rocky Run Middle School
- Carson Middle School
- Stone Middle School
- Thursday, January 9, 9:15-10:15 a.m.
We look forward to partnership as we prepare for your student(s) transition to Westfield High School. For more information regarding course offerings, descriptions can be found at:
Vanessa Hunter
Director of Student Services
Westfield High School
Westfield HS Academic Advising and Curriculum Information
At Westfield High School our goal is to provide a challenging academic program that will match the interests and talents of all students. We encourage students to consider their interests, outside of school responsibilities and goals when selecting courses in order to create a balanced academic schedule.
Learn more at the Westfield Academic Advising and Curriulum website.
Online Course Catalog (Rising 9th)
The course offerings for 9th graders for the 2025-26 school year can be found in our course catalog.
Translating the Course Catalogs (MS, HS)
Please note that using Chrome, you are able to translate the course catalog.