School Innovation and Improvement Plan
An at-a-glance look at outcome goals for this academic school year.
2024-25 School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance
- 2024-25
- Stone Middle School
- Region 5
- Sonya Williams, Principal
● By the end of the 2024-25 school year, our multilingual learners (level 1-4) will show growth by 5% based on iReady assessments that will be given three times a year.
● By the end of the 2024-25 school year, all students who are one or more grade levels below on iReady diagnostic will show growth by one grade level; specifically under the placement domains of vocabulary and comprehension.
● Increase opportunities to explicitly teach vocabulary using evidence-based methods (i.e. semantic feature analysis, analyzing word parts, frayer model, defining words in context, semantic mapping, etc.)
● Maximize daily instruction and practice in word recognition, reading comprehension, and grammar (Lexia PowerUp)
● Utilize small groups and intervention to increase opportunities for students who need more practice to master standards
● By the end of the 2024-25 school year, students with disabilities will improve on the SOL reporting category strength in Probability & Statistics by 5% going from a 3% to 8%.
● By the end of the 2024-25 school year, all students will improve on the SOL reporting category 3 in Probability & Statistics. Specifically, 52% of students will meet the criteria in SOL reporting category 3 in Probability and Statistics by the end of the school year.
● Improve collaborative teams’ alignment of instructional planning based on analysis of common assessments.
● Increase teacher's implementation of strategies and conversation structures that increase academic talk between students related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare.
● Increase systems of support during the school day, after school and summer to help students achieve success in mathematics.
● By June 2025, Our school’s SOL Science pass rate will be 71% or higher on first attempts in the current year.
● Increase frequency of student learning experiences that are inquiry-based and hands-on.
● Increase opportunities to develop science content vocabulary through inquiry-based learning, such as during the Explore of the 5E learning model, followed by explicit instruction during the Explain.
● Expand the type and frequency of formative assessments to evaluate progress throughout units and lessons, such as exit tickets, four corners, whiteboards, stoplight reflection.
● By the end of the 2024-25 school year, the SEL Screener data will show and increase of 5% in both categories of sense of belonging and cultural awareness/ action.
● MTSS Schoolwide and Site Intervention teams analyze behavior/wellness data bi-monthly to evaluate implementation of Tier 1 SEL/wellness initiatives and identify students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.
● Identified time in the master schedule is used to implement required SEL practices with fidelity to improve student perceptions of belonging and SEL skills. (MM & CC- ES or RAM- MS/HS, 3 Signature Practices- All).
● School staff will communicate with families to recognize and celebrate student success in academics, behavior, attendance, or other areas.