Stone Middle School - PTSA Updates

Stone Middle School PTSA2 days ago

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PTSA Election Committee Needed

The PTSA is preparing to hold elections for PTSA Board positions for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year.  We are in need of 3 volunteers to accept names of those interested in possibly joining the board.  If you are interested in helping, please email the PTSA at [email protected].

Upcoming Spirit Nights

Please mark your calendars for the following spirit nights to show you Panther support:

March 13, 2025 - Spirit Night at Chick-fil-a

April 19, 2025 - Spirit Night at Chipotle

5500 Sully Park Dr., Centreville, VA 20120  |  PTSA Website
Email: [email protected]


Westfield Football Preseason Conditioning

Stone Middle School PTSA1 week ago

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Westfield Bulldogs Football

Preseason workouts are starting for our rising 9th graders that will be attending Westfield High School next year and plan to play football.  Workouts will kick off on Monday, February 24th!  Tentative workout schedule will be as follows:

Mondays and Thursdays - 3:30 to 5pm @ Westfield HS Weight Room

Tuesdays - 3:30 to 4:30pm @ Stone MS outdoor fields

If interested, please contact Coach Sachlis at [email protected]. Go Bulldogs!


5500 Sully Park Dr., Centreville, VA 20120  |  PTSA Website
Email: [email protected]


IMPORTANT: Stone Middle School PTSA Updates

Stone Middle School PTSA1 week 1 day ago

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Krispy Kreme Pick-Up

Thank you to all that placed a donut order for the recent fundraiser.  Please remember that pick-ups are this Saturday, 2/8/2025 from 8am until 10am in the school bus loop. 

General PTSA Meeting

Our general meeting is scheduled for 2/11/2025.  Mr. Anderson will be presenting information related to school sports and activities.  The meeting will take place at 7pm in the school library with a virtual option.  Please note that if the school is closed due to weather, the meeting will be virtual only. Link below. 

PTSA General Meeting Link for 2/11/2025

National Charity League Membership drive OPEN

Membership drive is open for the National Charity League.  Register by 2/28/2025.  Open to rising 7th and 8th graders.  Registration link below. 

Register NOW


5500 Sully Park Dr., Centreville, VA 20120  |  PTSA Website
Email: [email protected]


IMPORTANT: Stone Middle School

Stone Middle School PTSA4 weeks 1 day ago

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Teacher Breakfast Donations Needed

Donations are needed to support our teacher with breakfast.  Many of you donated last year and the breakfast was quite the hit.  Please use the link below to donate.  

Teacher Breakfast Sign-Up


Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Please support the school and order your weekend donuts!

Place your order HERE

5500 Sully Park Dr., Centreville, VA 20120  |  PTSA Website
Email: [email protected]



Stone Middle School PTSA2 months ago

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Mark your calendars for Tuesday, 12/17/2024, from 4:00pm to 8:00pm to support your school through Panera Bread.  30% of net sales will be donated to our school.  Use code FUND4U at, in the Panera App, or at the kiosk in the cafe located at 14423 Chantilly Crossing Lane.

Memberships and Birthday-grams

Please take the time to register for our PTSA.  Memberships are still needed to support our school.  Your membership is a donation and requires no commitment from you.  

There is still time to celebrate your student's birthday.  Students can also send birthday-grams to their friends!  Show them that you are thinking of them on/close to their special day!

Membership and birthday-grams can be purchased online at:

5500 Sully Park Dr., Centreville, VA 20120  |  PTSA Website
Email: [email protected]



Stone Middle School PTSA2 months 4 weeks ago

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Register for the PTSA

We are still in need of people to register for our PTSA.  No commitment is required.  The registration money goes to supporting the students and staff.  Please use the following link for registration.

Register for the PTSA here


Domino's Fundraiser

Please support our school in ordering Domino's on 11/19/2024 from Domino's on Stone Road or Lee Highway using CODE:  DN3



Show your student some extra love on their birthday. Birthday-grams are still available for purchase at the link below. 

Purchase a Birthday-Gram

5500 Sully Park Dr., Centreville, VA 20120  |  PTSA Website
Email: [email protected]



Stone Middle School PTSA3 months 1 week ago

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Please remember that the general membership meeting is scheduled for 11/12/2024 at 7pm in the school library.  Those that want to attend virtually can click on the link below at the time of the meeting:

Meeting Link

WARM CLOTHING DRIVE Our Annual Clothes Drive has started here at Stone, sponsored by our Leadership students! Help us support families in our school community, that need Warm Clothes this winter! If you are able to donate this year, we are collecting the following items, in 'New' condition: -Gloves -Hats -Socks -Hoodies -Sweatpants -Sweatshirts Wishlist:

Amazon Wishlist

Please send with your student or drop off at the main office by November 15th. We appreciate your generosity! (If your student or your family is in need of warm clothes, please let me know so I can assist you.) Thank you, Denisse Stein [email protected]

5500 Sully Park Dr., Centreville, VA 20120  |  PTSA Website
Email: [email protected]



Stone Middle School PTSA3 months 1 week ago

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BAKE SALE - Election Day

Please stop by and donate to the PTSA's bake sale outside of the school on Election Day!  The sale will run until 4pm. 

GENERAL MEETING - November 12, 2024 at 7pm

Please join us for an informative session presented by Victoria Otchere, LPC, on the current mental health and substance use trends amongst our youth.  This presentation will differ from last year's in that the trends in our communities are continuing to change.  Come prepared to learn about digital drug markets, internet slang, and how to stay in the know as parents, teachers, and students.  Everyone is encouraged to attend!

Spirit Night - November 19, 2024

Our next Spirit Night will be hosted by Domino's Pizza (Stone Road and Lee Highway locations).  Please mark your calendars!

5500 Sully Park Dr., Centreville, VA 20120  |  PTSA Website
Email: [email protected]


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