Family Engagement
Meet Our Family Liaison
Our school's family liaison Denisse Stein.
Our family liaison's job is to work with you and your school, in order to help your child’s success. If you have any questions regarding programs or resources that would help your student and your family, please feel free to Ms. Stein at [email protected] or 703-631-5901.
Please stop by our Family Engagement Center (Room 101) when you are at Stone to find resources and information on programs, workshops and events that may be of assistance to you and your family. If you have any questions regarding any of these resources or would like additional information on any of the programs, feel free to also contact me.
- Denisse Stein
- Stone Middle School, Family Liaison
- [email protected] | 703-631-5901
FCPS uses many communication tools to connect with parents and guardians.
Events and Happenings at Stone MS
Quarter 3 at a Glance
Please note, this calendar reflects a summary, for your convenience, of events that are currently scheduled. More events may be added as they are planned and finalized.
PRINTABLE VERSION - 3Q Calendar at a Glance.pdf
January 25 |
Parent Workshop/Online Webinar: Teen Sexting & Sextortion 6:30-8:00 PM Online Webinar presented by: Fairfax County Communities of Trust (Spanish interpretation may be available) Register Online: Please send questions, in advance, for panelists to @email |
January 25 |
End of Quarter 2, and 2-Hour Early Release (12:15 pm.) |
January 26 - 27 |
Student Holiday |
January 30 |
Stone Cheer Club & Team starts (this will be one of our Stone After School Clubs) -Team will be coached by current and former Westfield HS Varsity Team Members |
January 31 |
Parent Workshop, presented by your School Counselors: Academic Support 5-6 PM @ Stone MS | RSVP: |
February 3 |
Parent Workshop/Online Webinar: (Arabic Only) The Effects of Stress on Children Register online: Presented by: FCPS Parent Center |
February 3 |
Rising 9th Grade Course Selection Forms due to WHS |
February 6 |
Report Cards Distributed |
February 6 |
Adults Only Workshop: Preparing Families for Difficult Conversations about Alcohol & Drugs. 6-8:00 PM @ Westfield High School Lecture Hall, Room G108/G109 (Spanish Interpretation will be available) |
February 9 |
Young Scholars Field Trip: Planetarium @ Thomas Jefferson HS |
February 9 |
Stone Middle School Curriculum Night & Electives Fair, for Rising 7th & 8th Grades Students & Families 6:00 - 8:00 PM (optional ESOL & SPED Sessions begin at 5:30pm) @ Stone Middle School –Spanish & Arabic Interpretation will be available for this event & our optional sessions– |
February 10 |
BINGO Night is Back! Stone families are invited to join us for an evening of fun, food & prizes! (Snacks will be sold by our Leadership Club) |
February 13 - 17 |
Stone Counselor Visits to Feeder Elementary Schools |
February 17 |
Rising 9th Graders - AVID Elective Application Deadline -Program’s mission: close gap & prepare all students for college & career readiness success |
February 17 | AVID Program |
February 17 |
Volleyball Game vs. Rocky Run |
February 20 |
Student Holiday - President’s Day |
February 27, 28, March 1 |
8th Graders field trip to Finance Park -Classes will visit on different days based on their Civics class. |
February 28 |
Parent Workshop, presented by your School Counselors: Stress Reduction 5-6 PM @ Stone MS RSVP: |
March 1 |
8th Graders field trip to Finance Park (continue) -Classes will visit on different days, February 27, 28 & March 1 |
March 2 |
2-Hour Early Release (12:15 pm.) Rising 7th Grade Course Selection Forms Due to Stone |
March 3 |
Student Holiday |
March 14 - 15 |
8th Grade Court Tour Field Trip -Classes will visit on different days |
March 10 |
Rising 8th Grade Course Selections Forms Due |
March 10 | CPP Program |
March 10 |
“Battle of the Cats” Stone vs. Liberty Basketball Game |
March 10 - 17 |
After School Program “Week of Awesomeness” Spirit Week |
March 17 |
“Battle of the Panthers” Basketball Game: Stone vs. Carson Middle School @ Westfield High School |
Tuesday 28 |
Parent Workshop, presented by your School Counselors: Motivation 5-6 PM @ Stone MS |
April 3 - 7 |
Student Holiday - Spring Break |
April 13 |
End of Quarter 3, and 2-Hour Early Release (12:15 pm.) |
April 13 |
Movie Night! Stone families are invited to join us for a Movie Night |
April 14 |
Student Holiday |
April 21 |
Student Holiday |
April 25 |
Parent Workshop, presented by your School Counselors: Socialization 5-6 PM @ Stone MS |
Stone MS: Parent Coffee Series
Parent Coffee Series #1: Parent SIS and Schoology Accounts
Parent Coffee Series #1: Parent SIS and Schoology Accounts

- Slide Deck with Resources
- SIS Activation Instructions (Spanish)
Estimado Padre/Responsable de Familia:
En esta carta, encontrará información para activar su cuenta de padres, del Sistema de Información del Estudiante, ‘Student Information System’ (SIS) ParentVUE. Este es un sistema en línea que le dará acceso para ver la información de su hijo, incluyendo la asistencia diaria, libreta de calificaciones, los cursos en los que sus hijos están registrados, disciplina, datos demográficos e información de su escuela. Esperamos utilice esto para ayudar a facilitar la educación de su hijo.
Nota Importante: Sus cuentas de sistema de SIS y la de Schoology (donde encontraran tareas, calendario, y la información que los profesores les dan a sus hijos sobre sus cursos) usan el mismo nombre de usuario y la misma contraseña. Una vez que se haya registrado en su cuenta SIS—como se le explica abajo, puede usar la misma información para entrar a Schoology.
La clave de activación vence a las 12 de la madia noche de la fecha indicada en la parte de debajo de la carta. Por favor, active su cuenta antes de la expiración. Si necesita más ayuda con esto, por favor comuníquese con la escuela de su hijo durante horas escolares.
Instrucciones para crear su cuenta:
- Abra su internet y entre a la página web:
- Presione el botón que dice ‘Español’, para que le traduzcan esta información en español.
- Presione el botón que dice ‘Cuenta principal de SIS’, que está en el área que dice ‘Activar’.
- Le van a pedir que lea las reglas e información antes de proseguir, presione el botón ‘I Agree’ para aceptar estas reglas.
- Escriba su Primer Nombre (First Name), Apellido (Last Name), y su Código de Activación (Activation Key), como se aparecen abajo, y presione el botón que dice ‘Submit’.
- Escriba su correo electrónico y confirme. Este será su nombre de usuario para SIS y Schoology.
- Escriba una contraseña que cumplan con los requisitos que piden, y confirme.
- Recibirá un email, ábralo para completar la activación de su cuenta.
First Name: ________________
Last Name: _________________
Activation Key: ______________
Por favor, lea la fecha de expiración de este código.
Academic Resources
If your student needs academic enrichment or would like to review a topic discussed in class, Fairfax County is offering again this school year, unlimited access to live online tutoring services, with access 24/7 and with 1-to-1 instruction. With this service, your student can get academic support any time they need it.
Students can access, via a link in Schoology. Information on how to login and access information is provided using these links:
Detailed information and FAQs are available on the Online Tutoring Services website.
This service is optional, and parents/guardians can opt their student(s) out of accessing the services, please contact your school if you have any questions regarding this information.
Si su estudiante necesita ayuda o refuerzo académico, o quisiera repasar algún tópico cubierto en clase, el Condado de Fairfax está ofreciendo otra vez este año, acceso ilimitado a servicios de tutoría en línea, uno a uno, 7 días a la semana y 24 horas al día. Este servicio ayuda a que su estudiante tenga el apoyo necesario en cualquier momento que lo necesite.
Los estudiantes pueden acceder a, a través de un enlace en su cuenta de Schoology. La información sobre como iniciar este servicio y acceder a la información, la puede encontrar en estos enlaces:
- Como usar este servicio en las escuelas Elementarias (Elementary Schools)
- Como usar este servicio en las escuelas Intermedias (Middle Schools) y Secundarias (High Schools)
Para más información o preguntas frecuentes, por favor refiérase a este enlace Servicios de Tutoría en línea.
Este servicio de tutoría es opcional, y los padres pueden optan por que sus estudiantes no accedan a estos servicios. Llame a su escuela si quisiera más información sobre esto.
Upcoming Workshops & Events
Preparing Families for Difficult Conversations about Alcohol & Drugs
- Adults Only
- Monday, February 6
- 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
- Westfield HS - Lecture Hall (G108/G109)
- Flyer - SSAW_EngSpan (002).pdf
Dad’s Parenting Group - Virtual
Dad’s Parenting Group - Virtual
It's a fact - fatehrs are important to their children. Their postive involvement contributes to child safety, permanency and well being.
Program Includes:
- 24/7 Dad Parenting Class
- Meals
- Access to Fairfax County resources
- Father-child friendly community activities
Winter, Spring & Fall Sessions offered.
What Should I Do Before My Child Grows Up (SPED Families)
What should I do before my child grows up?
Future Planning for Elementary and Middle School Students in Special Education
For families, caregivers, and educators of students receiving special education services.
February 15, 2023
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Luther Jackson Middle School 3020 Gallows Road
Falls Church, Virginia 22042
^Snow Date: February 22, 2023
Join Career and Transition Services (CTS) to learn about planning for life in and after high school!
It’s never too early or too late to start preparing for your future. We want to help you start planning for a successful transition from school to life as a young adult.
Ensuring postsecondary success of our students with disabilities is dependent on what is known as transition planning. Please join CTS and other support service personnel for an evening focused on planning for the future.
You will have the opportunity to meet and ask questions of representatives from CTS programs and services for students with disabilities, short- and long-term postsecondary supports, employment and postsecondary education considerations, and Supported Decision Making, and student self-determination as an evidence-based predictor of post school success.
This event also includes a student/parent panel where members describe their firsthand experiences as they navigated Fairfax County Public Schools and planning for their child’s future. A questions/answer session will follow.
FCPS Educators register in MyPDE to receive 2 recertification points for attending the entire event
Register online:
What Should I do Before My Child Grows Up.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Arabic.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Chinese.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Korean.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Spanish.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Urdu.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Vietnamese.pdf
English Language Classes
5 Centers are offering English Classes, the first two are close by, in-person, and for adults. The third option is in-person as well as virtual, they have classes for adults and families, and some of their classes they offer child care. The fourth one is virtual only, with limited amount of levels of English proficiency but free.
The last option has a variety of classes and levels of proficiency and they offer both virtual and in-person classes, some of the fees are higher, but they have a limited amount of scholarships.
Ox Hill Baptist Church:
-In-person classes for adults in our area
-Offer different levels based on English language proficiency
-Fee: $40 for materials. If this fee is a problem, please ask if a payment plan can be arranged.
English Language Classes_Ox Hill_English.pdf
English Language Classes_Ox Hill_Spanish.pdf
Centreville United Methodist Church
-In person classes for adults in our area
-Offer different levels based on English language proficiency
-Fee: $20 for returning students, $40 for new students – for materials. If this fee is a problem, please ask if a payment plan can be arranged.
English Language Classes__Centreville United Methodist_English.pdf
English Language Classes__Centreville United Methodist_Spanish.pdf
English Empowerment Center
-In-person and virtual classes for adults and families, some of their classes offer child care
-Offer different levels based on English language proficiency, including Writing, Conversation & Skill Based Classes
-Fee: For materials. If this fee is a problem, please ask if they have payment plans or scholarships available
-Virtual classes for adults
English Classes_Cornerstones - Copy.pdf
FCPS Academy
-In-person and Virtual Classes for adults.
Offer different levels based on English proficiency, as well as Conversation, pronunciation, and other skill based classes
Health & Other Family Assistance Resources
Northern Virginia Family Services
Northern Virginia Family Services
- Health
- Dental Access
- Hunger Resource Center
Community of Faith Food Pantry (Every Tuesday)
Community of Faith Food Pantry
(Despensa de Alimentos de la Comunidad de Fe)
Offers contactless, curbside food pick-up every Tuesday from 4:30-6:00pm
Support Line for Parents
Support Line for Parents
Fairfax County Department of Family Services is offering a new Support Line for parents, on any parenting questions they may have, as well as resources (i.e. classes, discipline advice, milestone questions, etc.)
INOVA Cares Clinic for Families
INOVA Cares Clinic for Families
Provide comprehensive primary care services to the culturally diverse Northern Virginia community. Our clinics serve as medical homes for patients of all ages who qualify for Medicaid, FAMIS or Inova’s Financial Assistance program, as well as people who are uninsured.
The Inova Cares Clinics for Families has 6 locations:
• Alexandria
• Annandale
• Manassas
• Sterling
• Fairfax (Opening Soon)
• Herndon (Opening Soon)
Please refer to the flyer below for more information.
Free School Physicals (April - August)
Together with Inova Cares Clinic for Families, Partnership for Healthier Communities is scheduling free school physicals for students who are uninsured or have Virginia Medicaid. This will take place at Inova Cares Clinic for Families in Manassas, VA and occur until August. Partnership for Healthier Communities will be on-site to screen and enroll qualifying families in Medicaid.
Please share the attached flyer with more information about this opportunity.
School Vaccination 2022-2023
The Fairfax County Health Department is offering school vaccines for FREE by appointment only. Avoid the wait - call to make your appointment today.
School Vaccinations 2022-2023 Eng-Span FINAL as of 5-4-2022.pdf
Eating Disorder Parent Information
Eating Disorder Parent Information
Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. While no one knows for sure what causes eating disorders, a growing consensus suggests that it is a range of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. Eating disorders are not fads or phases, and can have serious consequences for health, productivity, and relationships.
In collaboration with the Fairfax County Health Department, FCPS has developed a webpage with detailed information and resources to be provided to parents and guardians of Fairfax County Public Schools. This information may be found at the following link:
How to Talk About Alcohol Safety with your Child
How to Talk About Alcohol Safety with your Child
It’s never too early to have age-appropriate conversations with your child about alcohol. Early and frequent conversations about alcohol and other drugs tend to be more effective than having “the talk” once.
For general questions about the FCPS Substance Abuse Prevention Program, please contact the Office of Student Safety & Wellness at: (571) 423-4270.
How to Talk About Alcohol Safety Flyer
Sources & Resources
Why You Should Talk With Your Child About Alcohol and Other Drugs
Fun & Educational Family Resources
Technology Support for Families: Parent Internet Activity Reports
Parent Internet Activity Reports
FCPS parents who are interested in knowing more about their child’s Internet browsing activity on an FCPS device can sign up to receive a weekly Parent Report from Lightspeed, our internet content filtering service. The report provides a list of the top sites the child visited that week.
Fairfax County offers technology support for students AND parents. Did you know that Parents can get Laptop Activity Reports for their student on a weekly basis? It will provide you with a list of the top sited your child visited that week. Here is the link to sign up, and see other resources:
Helping Children Learn - Newsletter
Helping Children Learn - Newsletter
This is a ‘great’ learning tool to share with your children!
There is a monthly newsletter and daily learning planner that is released once a month. They make different versions for different age brackets, early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school in Spanish and English.
Education & Workforce Development
A number of classes and seminars are being offered through Catholic Charities, both online and in-person, on Education & Workforce Development (Job Preparation, GED Prep Classes, Computer Classes, English Classes, etc.).
Please see the attached flyers for more information.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us at 571-208-1572 or email @email.
WFD Career Pathway Courses Evergreen_0.pdf
Beginning English and Conversation Summer Classes
FCPS Videos & Podcasts
Promoting Equity in Education Through Family Engagement
Promoting Equity in Education Through Family Engagement
Listen and Subscribe - About FCPS in other languages:
- Spanish Podcast:
- Arabic Podcast:
- Korean Podcast: