Embracing Military Life: A Stone MS Student’s Perspective

By Keri Mina
September 20, 2024

As we celebrate Blue Star Welcome Week, we’re shining a spotlight on military-connected students and their unique experiences. Growing up in a military family comes with challenges, like frequent moves, but it also offers opportunities for growth and adventure. In this article, we highlight a Stone student whose journey showcases the resilience and adaptability of military families.

For one Stone student, life in a military family has been an adventure filled with both challenges and opportunities. Born in Germany, this student has lived in two countries, three states, and seven different homes, attending six school districts. With a father who has served in the military for 19 years in both the Air Force and and the Army, and a mother with 18 years of service in the Air Force, both parents have deployed in support of various contingencies. Military life has shaped their family in many ways.

Parents in the military has meant adapting to frequent moves and new environments, “One of the harder things is moving around a lot,” the student shares. Yet, these experiences have also fostered resilience and openness. “But it’s also taught me to put myself out there and make friends quickly. I’ve met a lot of great people at my schools, and I always feel supported by my friends and teachers.”

For other military kids, the advice is simple: “Always be yourself, no matter where you go. It’s not as tough as people might think, and you learn a lot along the way.”

This student’s story highlights the resilience and gratitude that comes with growing up in a military family, showing that while the journey isn’t always easy, it’s full of growth, learning, and meaningful experiences.